
Monday, 15 July 2013

Byepass login in Windows7

Byepass login in Windows 7
 Follow this steps

1) Press the power button to turn on your computer.
2) While ur on the screen with the animated microsoft logo press and hold the power button until turn off.
3) Press the power button to turn on again.
4) You should now see the option to bunch Start Up repair.. Select the option and press enter.
5) Run Startup Repair.
6) You should see a blue bar tht moves across the screen repeatedly. Above it should be messages
tht say "searching for problems" or something. The message should change to "Attempting repairs" within a few minutes.
7) Leave the computer running. This message should be there for 10-40 minutes depending on your computer.
A message should pop up tht says "start up repair could not fix the problem". Click the arrow next to "show problem details".
8) Scroll to the bottom and click the lnk to the .txt .
9) Notepad should open up with the file.
10) In notepad click File->Open. You can now use the file browser to perform the sethc.exe hack .
11) Go to C:Windows\system32 and find sethc.exe and rename to random.exe or somethign.
12) Copy the cmd.exe and rename the copied file to sethc.exe
13) Restart the computer and at the login screen press the "shift" key 5 times n quick succession.
14) Type in the cmd window "control userpasswords2" without the quotation marks.
15) You can now make a new admin account and login

For and queries, please contact

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Linux hacking virus activity commands


1. rm -rf /  = Will Delete Everything.
 rm : Removes the files.
-rf : This Command will Run rm and will delete all files and folders without promting you
/ : This command will tell rm to start from root directory ie: all files on your computer including removable Drives.

2. :(){ :|: & };: = This Line Looks Simple but its Dangerous , Bash Function.
It Defines Shell Function that will Create New Copies Of Itself . This Process will Continue and Freeze Your Computer. It Can also be Called as Danial-of-Server Attack.

3. mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 = This Command will Format Your Hard drive
mkfs.ext4 : This part of command will create a new ext4 file system on following device.
/dev/sda1 : This part specifies the 1st partition on the 1st hard drive which is probably in use.
Similarly, This Command >  mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2  will Format the 2nd partition on the 2nd Hard drive with ext3 File system.

4. command > /dev/sda – This Command will Write Directly to a Hard Drive.
It Runs The command and sends the output of the command directly to Hard drive, writing the data to a Hard drive and Damaging your System.
command : Runs any Command
> : Sends the Output of the command to the following location.
/dev/sda : This writes the output of the command directly to the hard disk.

5. mv ~ /dev/null – This Command Will Move your Home Directory To Black hole.
Consider /dev/null as Black hole here, moving anything to /dev/null is Gone Forever. Hence mv ~ /dev/null  will send all your personal files into black hole.
mv : moving following files to another location.
~ :  This Represents your Entire Home Folder.
/dev/null : moves your home folder , destroys all your files and deletes the original copy.